Apple Store je najfotografovanejšia stránka v New Yorku

When you think of tourists taking photos in New York, you think of the Empire State Building, Times Square or maybe Central Park.

When you think of tourists taking photos in New York, you think of the Empire State Building, Times Square or maybe Central Park.

But according to new research the most photographed location in New York is actually the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue.

Researcher Eric Fishcher made a map of where tourists take photos using information from millions of pictures uploaded to website Flickr.

The iconic glass cube above the underground Apple Store came top of his list of photographed sights in the Big Apple – possibly because when consumers purchase iPhones they immediately take pictures in the store.

Other popular spots for snaps included the Rockefeller Center, Columbus Circle and Times Square.

The researcher used the geotags of photos uploaded to the site to create a heat map of popular photo opportunities.

One factor in the popularity of the Apple Store could be because of the large number of iPhone users who use the photo-sharing site.

Last month the iPhone 4 was on track to become the most-used camera on the site.

Mr Fishcher found that the flagship Apple store was much more photogenic than stores in other U.S. cities such as Chicago, which were not ranked as highly.

Most photographed locations in New York:

1. Apple Store, Fifth Avenue

2. Rockefeller Center

3. Kolumbov kruh

4. Times Square


  • The researcher used the geotags of photos uploaded to the site to create a heat map of popular photo opportunities.
  • One factor in the popularity of the Apple Store could be because of the large number of iPhone users who use the photo-sharing site.
  • But according to new research the most photographed location in New York is actually the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue.


O autorovi

Linda Hohnholzová

Šéfredaktor pre eTurboNews so sídlom v centrále eTN.

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