Dominika sa stretáva tvárou v tvár s turistickým trhoviskom

Discover Dominica Authority sa nedávno zúčastnila na podujatí CHTA'S Caribbean Travel Marketplace 2022, ktoré sa konalo v San Juan v Portoriku. zástupcovia úradu, manažérka destinačného marketingu, Kimberly King; Michelle Gysberts a Cherise Stevens (zástupcovia Severnej Ameriky) sa zúčastnili trojdňového obchodného podujatia.

The CHTA Caribbean Travel Marketplace provides the opportunity to meet face-to-face with top-tier wholesalers, tour operators, travel agencies, and publishers from the US focused on selling and promoting Caribbean travel.

In addition to tourism boards, the event hosts other types of suppliers including, accommodations, attractions, DMCs, transportation companies, buyers, and marketing/media for two days of pre-scheduled appointments. The main objective of the show is for attendees to conduct negotiations that will ultimately benefit the region.

A total of twenty-five (25) scheduled meetings were held with buyers, media, and relevant publishers over the period which resulted in positive conversations. Key opportunities are to follow up with American Airlines Vacations and Great Value Vacations among others. At the press conference, there were several questions and interest about the new airport, flight routes, the World Creole Music Festival, and the new Waitukubuli Sea Trail.

“Dominica has proven its resiliency, and the Caribbean region as a whole has recovered. I can confirm that the interest is there based on the several talks I’ve had at Marketplace this year, but it will take a collective effort to take advantage of these opportunities,” said Kimberly King, Destination Marketing Manager.

“The data is also informing us that some of the most resilient origin markets to the Caribbean like the U.S.A and France (mainland) are impacting visitor arrivals to the region, and we must capitalize on this.”


O autorovi

Linda Hohnholzová

Šéfredaktor pre eTurboNews so sídlom v centrále eTN.

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