Bubonický mor: Ruská agentúra pre cestovný ruch vydáva varovanie Mongolska pred cestovaním


Russia’s Federal Agency for Tourism has issued a special warning to tourists traveling to Mongolia after two fatal cases of bubonic plague were confirmed in the country. Two Russians have died of the highly contagious disease, and reportedly became infected after eating contaminated marmot organs. The married couple from Siberia are believed to have come…

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  • Ruská Federálna agentúra pre cestovný ruch vydala osobitné varovanie pre turistov cestujúcich do Mongolska po tom, ako sa v krajine potvrdili dva smrteľné prípady bubonického moru.
  • Two Russians have died of the highly contagious disease, and reportedly became infected after eating contaminated marmot organs.
  • The married couple from Siberia are believed to have come….


O autorovi

Hlavný redaktor úloh

Hlavným redaktorom úlohy je Oleg Siziakov

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