Hispanics v roku 113.9 vynaložil 2019 miliardy dolárov na vnútroštátne cesty

Trends Among Hispanic Travelers 

While there is great diversity among Hispanics, Vistas Latinas has identified some commonalities that point to strong connections between family, travel and culture. 

  • The overwhelming majority (93%) travel with their family. Of that percentage, 59% indicated they travel with immediate family, 30% with parents and 28% with adult siblings.
  • There is a strong desire to experience other Latino cultures and destinations, with 71% saying they would like to do so even if it is not where their family originated from.
  • Six in 10 Hispanic travelers want to learn more about their own origin and history.
  • Tri najlepšie domáce destinácie pre hispánskych prenocovateľov sú Kalifornia (21%), Texas (15%) a Florida (14%). To koreluje s troma štátmi s najvyšším počtom hispánskych obyvateľov.
  • Väčšina hispánskych cestovateľov (85%) navštívila krajinu/územie svojho rodinného dedičstva, pričom 15% sa vracia viac ako raz za rok a 22% sa vracia ročne.

The Vistas Latinas study was created to provide a better understanding of the diverse and growing Hispanic population in the U.S., which according to the 2020 Census is now 62.1 million strong.


O autorovi

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson bol redaktorom úloh eTurboNews už viac ako 20 rokov. Žije v Honolulu na Havaji a je pôvodom z Európy. Rád píše a informuje o správach.

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