Jamajka zostane pod zákazom vychádzania

The curfews are a part of measures implemented under the Disaster Risk Management Act, aimed at curtailing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

jamaica Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, has said previously that historically, tourism has shown to have a strong ability to adapt, innovate, and recover from adversity. Policymakers, industry leaders, investors, financial institutions, and providers of innovative solutions are collaborating more closely to make this happen. Also, investments will be made to build infrastructure to facilitate sustainable tourism and sustainable energy consumption.

According to Minister Bartlett the transition to sustainable tourism will also depend on whether the development of tourism is guided by a national strategy comprising policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks with sufficient incentives to stimulate the development of supply and productive capacity where sustainable goods and services are concerned.

„Tento prístup k trvalo udržateľnému cestovnému ruchu je potrebné zvážiť aj z regionálneho hľadiska a mal by obsahovať aj stratégie na vyplnenie medzier v karibskom cestovnom ruchu na strane ponuky rovnice. Karibské destinácie preto musia prijať strategické kroky, aby zabezpečili, že si ponecháme viac amerických dolárov, ktoré do regiónu prúdia v dôsledku cestovného ruchu, “uviedol.



O autorovi

Linda Hohnholz, redaktorka eTN

Linda Hohnholz píše a edituje články od začiatku svojej pracovnej kariéry. Túto vrodenú vášeň uplatnila na miestach, ako sú Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, Hawaii Children's Discovery Center a teraz TravelNewsGroup.

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