Súkromná letecká spoločnosť: Pri pohľade na Zem zo vzduchu získate udržateľnosť

Veľvyslanci OSN, vedúci delegácií, diplomati, módne a zábavné VIP osobnosti a významní aktivisti v oblasti zmeny klímy z celého sveta sa zišli 19. septembra, aby podporili snahy OSN o trvalo udržateľné rozvojové ciele a Fashion 4 Development (F4D) o presadzovanie pozitívnych stratégií pre trvalo udržateľný ekonomický rast.

They recognized environmentally conscious organizations currently making a difference in different sectors. They heralded them as agents for change with awards for taking actions that lead towards a healthier planet, preserving culture, and empowering women and children.

Verijet was recognized as an agent of change for taking action to lead toward a healthier planet. Verijet was presented with the Green Travel Award. Richard Kane, Verijet’s Founder, Chairman, and CEO, was on hand to accept the award and made the following comments:

•             “I am deeply honored to receive this award on behalf of Verijet and our team. Some of the first environmentalists were aviators. As aviators, we see and monitor positive and negative environmental change, driving recognition and focus where it is most needed.

•             If we are to preserve and extend the freedoms of flight, we must decarbonize, democratize, and participate in making the planet healthier, safer, and more equitable for present and future generations. I founded Verijet on these principles.

•             When you see the planet from space or your village from the air, you understand humanity’s impact on the earth — it changes your awareness. Eighty percent of us have never been above ground level, and we now can sustainably expand our horizons.


O autorovi

Linda Hohnholzová

Šéfredaktor pre eTurboNews so sídlom v centrále eTN.

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